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by admin on | 2024-12-28 09:02:00

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You may be wondering why Christmas is celebrated on December 25th?

Since the Bible nowhere shows the date of Christ's birth and there is no record about it, the Church Leaders chose that date and wanted to combine it with a festival that was celebrated in pagan traditions, in order to prevent it. The Romans took it as a day to celebrate the birth of the unbroken sun and rejoice that the sun has reappeared.

The site returns to this topic saying that it was done to encourage pagans to convert to Christianity and to appreciate the unique values ​​of the North American. For example: trees known as Evergreen, which are always green throughout the year, were used by pagans in their rituals, and then by Christians, they planted apple fruits to represent the Garden of Eden. These fruits are now replaced by the decorations we see on Christmas trees today.

In the 4th century around the year 330, the emperor Constantine established the 25th of December as the Christian Christmas, and it was finally confirmed by Pope Liberius that it is the true day to celebrate the birthday of Jesus Christ.

Is there another date that is celebrated this Christmas?

Some of the countries that follow the old calendar known as the Julian calendar include Ethiopia, Russia and various others that celebrate Christmas on January 7th. This date coincides with the 25th of December for those using the current Gregorian calendar, as research shows that 90% of countries that celebrate today celebrate the 25th of December.

What do different scholars say about Christmas?

Many scholars have written about the holiday of Christmas, showing that the holiday has its origins in the ancient pagan religions of the Romans and Greeks. Around the 18th century, when many philosophers began to arrive in Europe, some of them studying religion came to believe that even though Christmas is celebrated on December 25th, it is not the day Jesus was born.

In 1743, the Protestant German Paul Ernst Jablonski suggested that Christmas was placed on December 25 to coincide with the Roman day of the sun, Dies Natalis Solis Invicti. For them, they considered the sun as their salvation and the date that appeared to them was on that date.

In 1889, Louis Duchesne said that Christmas was chosen nine months (before the birth of Jesus) from the 25th of March (March) and is the day the Catholic Church celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ.

Isaac Newton tried to explain more about this date, but based on Science, he found that those who celebrated this day, even the ancients used to see the moon, so it coincided with the moon before winter. That will happen on December 25th. This led him to say that for this reason Christmas was a pagan day.

Why do some say that Christmas is a pagan tradition?

History shows that around the 1500s some Protestant churches refused to celebrate Christmas until today. They say that it is because there is no evidence that Jesus was born on that date and the Christians of the first century did not celebrate the birth of Jesus.

After that, they refused to celebrate Christmas Day because the Roman festival called Saturnalia, which was celebrated in the middle of December, is the day that Christmas celebrants removed most of the customs that apply to Christmas. This is the basis for their claim that Christmas is also a pagan tradition.

"If a person celebrates his birthday or that of his partner, he will not invite all believers in Christ as king and savior, if they do not join together to celebrate the day of the birth of Christ, who came to redeem the poor." This is what some Christians say. The date of Christ's birth should not be the most important issue is that everyone gathers together and praises the name of the one who redeemed them, but also those who celebrate that day is their right and especially that we do not find it anywhere in the Bible. Merry Christmas everyone! Christ redeemed them Allelluia Allelluia


Marc N

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