Politics Rwandan

Technology: 2.9 billion in Rwandan currency budget is for cameras to be installed on asphalt roads in Rwanda

by admin on | 2024-05-25 09:41:39

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Technology: 2.9 billion in Rwandan currency budget is for cameras to be installed on asphalt roads in Rwanda

The security cameras are going to be installed all over the country which is expected to cost 2.9 billion Rwandan currencies.


Referring to the newspaper www.andika.rw , since 2013, cameras have been installed in the city of Kigali to help manage security. They are placed at different places on roads and public places to monitor the information of what is happening minute by minute.

The police explain that it helps them to detect crimes that they do not see. They also know what happens at night and are not known. They are monitored at the Police Headquarters in Kacyiru, and they have also contributed to the prevention of crimes that used to happen on the streets such as theft and others.

In the 2024/25 budget, the government has decided to increase the number of these cameras, where others will be purchased, and costing 2.9 billion in Rwandan currency. These cameras are in addition to other existing ones that prevent crime and traffic violations. They include the so-called Speed ​​Enforcement Camera, known as Sophia. They are also called portable trailers. There are other things that can be moved by Police (Mobile Camera). Others are called Red Light Cameras that are in red flights.

In 2020, the Government of Rwanda signed a million-dollar contract with Eastern Ventures from the United Arab States, to help improve road safety in Rwanda.

Marc N


website web Manager


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